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[Desktop] Purple Rain VS : Purple Rain by Ultraman (Lucida Grande, Frutiger Liontype) Wall : The Outside World Icon : multiMINIMALv2 by multivitamin TLB midctrl skin : color glass Synergy skin by me AveDesk, Object Dock, Miranda IM, Foobar 2k, Styler
[Desktop] UniQue Blue 테마 수정 기념으로.. VS : UniQue Blue by zinph (Lucida Grande, Frutiger Liontype) Wall : seasons change by ricebox Icon : multiMINIMALv2 by multivitamin TLB midctrl skin : chan by whatzup Object Dock, Foobar 2k, Styler
[Desktop] Longhorn 5023 테마 수정 기념으로... VS : Longhorn 5023 by kol (Lucida Grande, Frutiger liontype) Icon : System Icons X by Steff Koerner, Ti System by yangge TLB midctrl skin : Black Divide by yfengp AveDesk, Object Dock, Foobar 2k, Styler
[Desktop] Milqu VS : Milqu (Lucida Grande, Frutiger liontype) Icon : System Icons X by Steff Koerner, Minium Doc XP by Benijamino TLB midctrl skin : 3button 1.1 by 꾸미 AveDesk, Object Dock, Foobar 2k, Styler
[Desktop] Samui VS : Samui Blue (Lucida Grande, Frutiger liontype) TLB midctrl skin : Milk by megabit Foobar 2k, Styler
[Desktop] InspiratSE 기다리고 기다리던 스테판카의 신작.. 바로 빌더로 손보고 적용~~ 이 비주얼 완전 맘에 들어서 이걸로 오래갈듯.... 그리고 Tclock은 이제 역사속으로~~~ VS : InspiratSE by Stepanka (Lucida Grande, Frutiger Liontype) Wall : Hishaku by Kasia Ganderska TLB midctrl skin : Black Divide by yfengp Object Dock, Foobar 2k, Styler
[Desktop] Ruler 비주얼과 배경만.... 그외엔 바뀐거 없음~~~ VS : Ruler Blue by susumu-Express (Lucida Grande) Wall : Peace When the Day is Done by Tarah Haack Icon : let go v1.0 by j3concepts TLB midctrl skin : Black Divide by yfengp AveDesk, Object Dock, Foobar 2k, Styler, Tclock
[Desktop] Milk 2 mini 배경 바꾸고.. 푸바 사용.. 안녕~~ 사무라이야..... ㅠ VS : Milk 2 mini (Lucida Grande) Wall : Almost Perfected TLB midctrl skin : Black Divide by yfengp AveDesk, Object Dock, Foobar 2k, Styler, Tclock